Board of Advisors

Prof. Andrew Goodman LLB MBA PhD FCIArb has over 40 years’ experience as an independent commercial barrister ( and is an award winning international consulting mediator. He is a thought leader in the field of mediation advocacy, and practices in up to 20 jurisdictions, with his London base at Mediation Consulting Ltd ( and panel memberships in Hong Kong, Delhi, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Ankara and Lagos. He is a partner at WCSG Law PLLC in Washington DC. Andrew holds a number of visiting academic posts and advises governments, Bars, corporations and institutions on conflict avoidance and dispute management systems. Andrew is a Faculty trainer for the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and an ABTA ArbEx panel arbitrator and conciliator.
He is a Master of the Bench of the Inner Temple.
He is the author and editor of nearly 50 books and 12 journals including Preparing for Mediation – A Guide for Consumers (Mediation Publishing 2015) Effective Mediation Advocacy – A Guide for Practitioners (3rd edn Mediation Publishing 2016 with practitioner and student editions in the UK and dedicated editions in Hong Kong, Nigeria, Turkey (Turkish language) and India); the contributor of the chapter on Evaluative Mediation in Mastering Commercial Mediation Richbell and Others (Bloomsbury 2014) and the chapter on Nepal to the Asia Mediation Handbook (Thomson Sweet & Maxwell HK 2015); author of How Judges Decide Cases: Reading, Writing and Analyzing Judgments (2nd edn Wildys 2018), Effective Written Advocacy in Practice (2nd edn Wildys 2011), although he is most well-known as author of The Court Guide (20th edn PP Publishing 2011-12).
Andrew is currently Professor of Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Studies at Rushmore University, a sometime visiting lecturer on the LLM/MA courses in Dispute Resolution at UCL and SOAS, University of London, and has been a peripatetic lecturer in mediation at 10 other UK universities; he was a visiting lecturer in arbitration and mediation at the Dubai Real Estate Institute, a guest lecturer to the University of Ghent LLM Alumni Association and a sessional lecturer at Mandela Institute, University of the Witwatersrand. Andrew has trained in mediation and conflict management and contracts management in the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Nigeria, Turkey, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Nepal, Thailand, India, Poland, Germany, France and Belgium; he advises governments, judiciaries and NGOs on mediation advocacy in Belgium, Croatia, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Singapore, Thailand, Kurdistan and the People’s Republic of China. He speaks widely on the subject both on an in-house and open basis.
Being on the PracticeForte’s Board of Advisors.
‘I am honoured to be part of the exciting new venture that is PracticeForte. Based in a city that is synonymous with international mediation, I am sure that PracticeForte and its team of dedicated and experienced professionals will go from strength to strength as peoples and institutions come to value peace, collaboration, managed negotiation and dispute avoidance in preference to conflict in these difficult times.’
Head Gardener.

There are always flowers for those who want to see them. – Henri Matisse