Building Peace, Building Expertise
PracticeForte Pte Ltd (PF) was established in 2016 to band a niche group of professional advisory firms under the brand name of PracticeForte Advisory. From the areas of law, finance, investigation & forensics, psychology, therapy, and counseling, our professional advisory firms collaborate to offer up a panel of experts steeped in specialised knowledge and primed for multifaceted conflict resolution. PF constantly aims to channel our efforts in the furtherance of our twin-pillar focus of “Building Peace, Building Expertise”. PF Mediate is one such endeavour. With a panel of mediators spanning jurisdictions, our mediators have wide experiences and specialised skills in tackling complex disputes.
In the building of peace, PF Mediate differentiates with a process that teams mediators and mediation advocates with both domain knowledge and conflict coaching. It is designed to engage and guide parties toward a resolution that is enduring by fulfilling underlying interests. We move broken relationships closer to pathways of repair and heal. Our efforts to prepare mediating parties have resulted in an over 90% success rate.
In the building of expertise, we train mediators cross-borders and equip them with practical skills and experience possible only from specialist trainers. We actively seek out trainers who are top in their field and widely regarded as some of the best in the world. In turn, our trainees mediate with us and become the country-connect for PracticeForte’s worldwide network of mediators.
PracticeForte Private Limited is also recognised as a SIMI Registered Training Provider (SIMI RTP) and SIMI Registered Service Provider (SIMI RSP).
Twin Pillar Focus of Building Peace, Building Expertise
The twin pillar of “Building Peace, Building Expertise” are the core focuses the affiliate firms of PracticeForte Advisory wish to show in the way we serve our clients as well as in how we work amongst ourselves as professionals.
Building Peace
We believe that the future of professional services will be very much tempered by conciliatory approaches in resolving differences, whether it be in the theatre of business, or in the affairs of life. We continue to remind ourselves that many clients who walk through our doors for consult or services call on us for help in dealing with any one of life’s major decisions. It might be a divorce or buying a house, selling a business or the taking out of a probate upon the death of a loved one. We continue to remind ourselves of empathy and compassion and the humanising of our services. And where our professionals provide more options, they also provide perhaps, better outcomes. And any solution that is mindful of the strategic management of conflict may reach a resolution greater than the sum of its parts. And often such a solution must be a winning one. One that cannot be easily replaced by technology. Such is the value that can be brought to clients. Mediation and other alternate dispute resolutions, conflict coaching/training and counselling will be gratifying additions to our toolkit for a chance at peace.
Building Expertise
We believe that with our platform, our professional advisory firms have the ability to collaborate with others who have come to be specialised in it; professionals who wish to do more of what they focus on; professionals whose experience naturally makes them gateways to clients looking for a spectrum of services from professionals they can trust. With time and growth and support, individual affiliate firms are now able to collaborate together as specialist divisions with the focused practices of Forensics, Family, Counselling, Mediation and more. Within each division, we may yet see 2 umbrella threads of “Life” and “Business”.
Life – where it touches personal affairs of heart and home;
Business – where it relates to work and commerce.
Affiliate firms have found their level and fulfillment in these spaces, bringing aspiration and expertise to a resulting specialisation. With the strength we have come to find in the number and quality of our affiliate firms, and the capability of PracticeForte managers and executives, we are poised for true collaboration within the network as a whole.
PF Building Peace, Building Expertise Initiatives
Some of the projects that we undertake are: