What is mediation?
Mediation is a structured, interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialized communication and negotiation techniques. All participants in mediation are encouraged to actively participate in the process. A good mediation process can be likened to having eggs for breakfast; Inexpensive to buy, easy to prepare, and completely healthy.
- To mediate instead of litigate definitely reduces the fatigue, anxieties, anger and any other negative psychological effects for parties in dispute. These exhausting feelings are your constant companions if you are compulsive about trying to prove all the “I am Right and You are Wrong”. That obsession is unfortunately, an inevitable part of adversarial legal proceedings.
- To mediate instead of litigate definitely reduces the fatigue, anxieties, anger and any other negative psychological effects for parties in dispute. These exhausting feelings are your constant companions if you are compulsive about trying to prove all the “I am Right and You are Wrong”. That obsession is unfortunately, an inevitable part of adversarial legal proceedings.
- To mediate a dispute toward a settlement often result in enduring resolution. Parties tend to stick to the terms of a mediated settlement well, because of the earlier mentioned values like perception of fair, satisfied, my own decision. This means the dispute is put to rest with no need of future litigation, thus dousing all the emotional stress involved.
- To mediate will mean the focus is on satisfying the parties’ needs, not on their legal rights. We can address psychological and emotional needs, which is often the problems parties want solved. Most will agree that what the law says is really often secondary to parties’ real wants.
- To mediate will teach parties how to manage a dispute, which in turn will benefit them in handling future issues. Problem solve between themselves, no more resorting to court again. This educational experience, according to Prof Shapira, may be considered a therapeutic outcome of the participation in mediation.
- To mediate can reduce the damage to the relationship and often, can repair, restore, rehabilitate and eventually, heal.
An extract from the article: Therapeutic Justice in Family Cases – The Mediator (Part 4) by Susan Tay of OTP Law Corporation. You can read the full article here.
Overview of mediation

Our certified mediators

PracticeForte Resolution Space
PF’s Resolution Space is designed to be conducive for mediation.
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