PracticeForte PF

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Investigation & Forensics

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Forensic Accounting

Forensic Accounting provides evaluative support for lawyers and clients litigating in matters, some of which include:

  • Shareholders’ disputes/ business valuations
  • Assessment of asset value in family law
  • Fraud and accounts presentation
  • Economic damages/ lost profits in breaches of contracts

Forensic Accountants assist in the investigation, collection and analysis of data. The resulting compilations of reports are used in court to assist it in the determining of nature and quantum of claims.

In this regard, Forensic Accountants often serve as expert witnesses in trial proceedings where they are challenged to analyze, interpret and present their findings/ reports.

In today’s business dealings, there are high possibilities of misappropriation, mismanagement and misconduct of all sorts. Our expert team goes in to uncover the facts and present these truths for our clients

Commercial Investigation

In today’s business dealings, there are high possibilities of misappropriation, mismanagement and misconduct of all sorts. Our expert team goes in to uncover the facts and present these truths for our clients

Matrimonial Investigation

It is an unfortunate fact that divorce rates have been on the rise. We help our clients gather the evidence needed so that they are not kept in the dark and are positioned advantageously to achieve their best desired outcome.

With the current state of technology and how heavily we rely on it, loss of data on your mobile phone or personal laptop can often be a frustrating experience. Our digital forensics team is here to assist you.

Digital Forensic

With the current state of technology and how heavily we rely on it, loss of data on your mobile phone or personal laptop can often be a frustrating experience. Our digital forensics team is here to assist you.

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