Category: Mediation
Self-Determination and the Mediator’s Role in a Culture of Harmony
This article was published by The Academy of Experts in The Expert & Dispute Resolver [Volume 28, Number 2 (2023)]. Republished with permission. English is not the author’s native language and we appreciate the time and effort taken to write the article. It has been published as submitted to reflect the author’s intentions. by Keiko Tanaka “What…
Mediation in the Context of Japanese Ideology and Language
This article was first published by The Academy of Experts in The Expert & Dispute Resolver [Volume 28, Number 1 (2023)]. Reproduced with permission. English is not the author’s native language and we appreciate the time and effort taken to write the article. It has been published as submitted to reflect the author’s intentions. by PracticeForte advisory affiliate…
Foundation Mediation Training Nov 2023
PracticeForte is pleased to present Foundation Mediation Training held on 1 – 6 November 2023 at PracticeForte Resolution Space. This training is open to individuals from all jurisdictions and professions who are interested in becoming mediators, especially overseas professionals interested in being accredited in Singapore. Click here for details of the training and to register…
Building A Mediation Practice (12 May 2023) Highlights
12th May 2023 was a very special event in our “Building A Mediation Practice Series”. It had both a sharing and networking session. Delegates from 12 jurisdictions came from Singapore, India, Japan, China, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Philippines, New Zealand. We are multidisciplinary with mediators/mediation advocates, trainers/lecturers/coaches, psychologists/counsellors even a doctor,…
Building A Mediation Practice Networking Event
PracticeForte is pleased to present Building A Mediation Practice Networking Event. Hear directly from a special guest who speaks about her personal experiences from the perspective of a client using mediation in their resolution. During the second segment, attendees might be divided into smaller groups for discussions and more networking opportunities. Click here to register…
Proud to be at the International Dispute Resolution Event: The Way Forward, The Way to Peace in Philippines
Wish we were there in person but it was nevertheless an informative and interesting session even as we watched it online. An event to be proud of, PracticeForte is honoured to have been a partner of International Dispute Resolution: The Way Forward, The Way to Peace, held on 29th March 2023 at the San Sebastian…
PracticeForte Partners International Dispute Resolution: The Way Forward, The Way to Peace in Philippines
PracticeForte is proud to be a partner of the 29th March 2023 event, International Dispute Resolution: The Way Forward, The Way to Peace, to be held at the San Sebastian College Recoletos, Philippines. We are looking forward to our affiliate, Dean Rodel Taton’s opening message and the presentation of the 2022 Philippines’ Final Report on…
Our First Ever Hybrid Training with Martin Lau from Hong Kong
First ever hybrid training from a visiting affiliate from Hongkong or anywhere else in the world. Thank you, @ Martin Lau for your very engaging and generous sharing of your experiences as a family mediator and parenting coordinator in Hongkong and China. We are sure the participants have gained insights too on how to self…