PracticeForte PF

Building Peace, Building Expertise

Category: Our Journal

  • Self-Determination and the Mediator’s Role in a Culture of Harmony

    Self-Determination and the Mediator’s Role in a Culture of Harmony

    This article was published by The Academy of Experts in The Expert & Dispute Resolver [Volume 28, Number 2 (2023)]. Republished with permission. English is not the author’s native language and we appreciate the time and effort taken to write the article. It has been published as submitted to reflect the author’s intentions. by Keiko Tanaka “What…

  • Mediation in the Context of Japanese Ideology and Language

    Mediation in the Context of Japanese Ideology and Language

    This article was first published by The Academy of Experts in The Expert & Dispute Resolver [Volume 28, Number 1 (2023)]. Reproduced with permission. English is not the author’s native language and we appreciate the time and effort taken to write the article. It has been published as submitted to reflect the author’s intentions. by PracticeForte advisory affiliate…

  • Risk of Using Generative AI in Legal Practice

    Risk of Using Generative AI in Legal Practice

    by Lim Seng Siew, director OTP Law Corporation. Accredited Specialist in Data and Digital Economy Law by SAL. In preparing for an article on OTP Law’s website (reproduced on this website) about material adverse change clauses, I made use of a generative AI engine (used on 28 Apr 2023) and asked it for “Cases on material adverse…

  • The Material Adverse Change (or MAC) Clause

    The Material Adverse Change (or MAC) Clause

    Despite their popularity, it is widely accepted that a material adverse change (MAC), also known as a material adverse effect (MAE) condition, is notoriously difficult to trigger. A situation not contemplated might have occurred or a contemplated situation might have a lesser adverse impact than anticipated and therefore the clause is not triggered.  One party…

  • Term Sheets, Memoranda of Understanding and Letters of Intent – Same Same or Different?

    Term Sheets, Memoranda of Understanding and Letters of Intent – Same Same or Different?

    In the initial stages of a deal, you may be asked to sign a ‘non-binding’ document that sets out the key parameters for the negotiation. That document is called by many different names: a term sheet or a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or a letter of intent (LOI) or numerous other names. Some experts claim…

  • Online Safety in Singapore – The Recent Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill

    Online Safety in Singapore – The Recent Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill

    by Lim Seng Siew, director OTP Law Corporation. Accredited Specialist in Data and Digital Economy Law by SAL. Singapore, like many countries around the world, is on a trend to regulate online content to enhance the online safety of users. UK has its own Online Safety Bill as does Ireland’s Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill and…

  • Cyber-hygiene and Phishing Part 4: Other Steps to Take to Protect Yourself

    Cyber-hygiene and Phishing Part 4: Other Steps to Take to Protect Yourself

    In this part, Lim Seng Siew of OTP Law Corporation, a digital economy lawyer talks about what other steps to take to reduce the chances of you becoming a victim of a data breach or hack.

  • Building A Mediation Practice (12 May 2023) Highlights

    Building A Mediation Practice (12 May 2023) Highlights

    12th May 2023 was a very special event in our “Building A Mediation Practice Series”. It had both a sharing and networking session. Delegates from 12 jurisdictions came from Singapore, India, Japan, China, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Philippines, New Zealand. We are multidisciplinary with mediators/mediation advocates, trainers/lecturers/coaches, psychologists/counsellors even a doctor,…