PracticeForte PF

Building Peace, Building Expertise

Building A Mediation Practice (12 May 2023) Highlights

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12th May 2023 was a very special event in our “Building A Mediation Practice Series”. It had both a sharing and networking session.

Delegates from 12 jurisdictions came from Singapore, India, Japan, China, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Philippines, New Zealand. We are multidisciplinary with mediators/mediation advocates, trainers/lecturers/coaches, psychologists/counsellors even a doctor, corporate heads/directors, accountants/ liquidators and a representative of mediation standards.

At the sharing, our special guest gave a courageous and honest account of her experience as a user of mediation for their dispute. There was the good and all the professionals critical in their peace approach; how they helped and what worked. There was also the bad, when they were resistant while roller coasting through all the emotions pre-during-after the mediation.

In the networking, smaller groups met. With their facilitators, they shared about their respective practices and spoke about thinking or experiences; what they expect from the network and what they can contribute to the network.

“Virtual networking” are notoriously difficult but thanks to the Facilitators and the enthusiastic participation of the delegates, we found from the Feedback that it went well.

95% of the participants found the event “valuable” “commendable” and rated the event good/excellent. 100% of them said the webinar format was good/excellent.

Both our special guest and moderator, @ Christian von Baumbach were unanimously rated excellent/ good.

Our deepest gratitude to our special guest, the Facilitators @ Phang Kien Yip, @ Isabel Chew-Lau, @ Ram Dubey, @ Sujatha Bhagavad-Gita, @ Jasmine Eng, @ Fern Wei, @ Luche Joubert, @ Paul Heath and the host and moderator @ Christian von Baumbach.

Equally, deep appreciation to all our delegates and we hope to see all of you in our future events.

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