PracticeForte PF

Building Peace, Building Expertise


  • Portrait of the Old Timer – The Not-So-Private-Nor-Secret Life of a Sole Proprietor of a Singapore Law Practice 1990-2018 (with 2-year hiatus 2005-2007)

    Portrait of the Old Timer – The Not-So-Private-Nor-Secret Life of a Sole Proprietor of a Singapore Law Practice 1990-2018 (with 2-year hiatus 2005-2007)

    Article By: PracticeForte Advisory Affiliate Ong Ying Ping of Ong Ying Ping Esquire As my late pupil master said, you can complain all you like about how exacting and demanding – even unforgiving – legal practice can be, but litigation practice is never described as “boring”. I started practice thinking like a lay person –…

  • Mediation for Hague Convention and Relocation Cases

    Mediation for Hague Convention and Relocation Cases

    This article is written by Emelia Kwa & Isabel Chew Lau, associates of OTP Law Corporation If you want a grim illustration of how cross-border child cases can devolve, you need look no further than the recent Court of Appeal case of TSF v TSE. That case concerned an epic battle between parents for the custody…

  • Between A Rock And A Hard Place – Case Study of UFZ V UFY

    Between A Rock And A Hard Place – Case Study of UFZ V UFY

    Article By: PracticeForte Advisory Affiliate Ms. Amy Lim Cross-border marriages are becoming increasingly common in a globalised world.  Unfortunately, when some of these marriages break down, an application may have to be made in Court if one parent wishes to relocate with the children. This gives rise to the proverbial “between a rock and a…

  • Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: The Other Side

    Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: The Other Side

    Article By: PracticeForte Advisory Affiliate Ms. June Lim You may be familiar with the story of Singapore’s only Caucasian UBER driver: Anna moved to Singapore from the UK with her family in 2010, becoming a Permanent Resident in 2013. Her marriage ended in 2015 due to her husband’s infidelity. Following a Hague Convention application…

  • Adopting the Peace Approach for the Interest of the Child

    Adopting the Peace Approach for the Interest of the Child

    Article By: PracticeForte Advisory Affiliate Ms. Susan Tay of OTP Law Corporation Singapore has picked up a reputation as a metropolitan, expat-friendly city. In fact, 1 in 3 marriages in Singapore now involve at least one foreigner. No doubt this is a boon for multiculturalism. But when it comes to family disputes that involve children,…

  • On the Move – Parental Relocation in Singapore

    On the Move – Parental Relocation in Singapore

    On The Move Article By: PracticeForte Advisory Affiliate Firm Rajan Chettiar LLC I. Introduction With the advent of globalization, the number of cross-border marriages is on the rise. Singapore, in particular, is a typical destination country for cross-border marriages in Asia, with the proportion of marriages between a Singapore and a non-citizen spouse rising from 32.8%…

  • Basic Guide To Mediation

    Basic Guide To Mediation

    This article is written Emelia Kwa, an associate of OTP Law Corporation What is mediation? Mediation is focused on finding a solution that is agreed upon by all parties involved and which best addresses their concerns. This involves a neutral mediator who helps guide the parties towards reaching such a resolution. What is the process…

  • Third Party’s Interest In Matrimonial Assets:  The Case of UDA v UDB

    Third Party’s Interest In Matrimonial Assets: The Case of UDA v UDB

    This article is written by PracticeForte Advisory Affiliate Ms. Susan Tay of OTP Law Corporation with kind contributions and assistance from PracticeForte Advisory Affiliates Ms. Shirley Tay and Ms. Isabel Chew-Lau. Can the Family Justice Courts (FJC) divide a property in another’s name as if it is a matrimonial asset in a divorce? On 24…